mixed velars and consonant clusters
Click on the
to hear the audio recording of a word.
46. k vs. q
- ken
- flat, meadow
- shqen
- my husband
- qichika'a
- big old lady
- qichiqa
- old ladies
- ełqish
- I spear it (customarily)
- ełkish
- it rains (customarily)
- Sqilant
- Kenai Lake village site
- skint'uh
- area under a tree
- tuzqun
- still water
- tułkun
- it will rain
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47. k' vs. q'
- q'u
- enough, that’s all
- k'u
- too, also
- k'usht'a nutnisdghik'
- s/he did not get sick on grease
- dnełghiq', k'tnełghiq'
- s/he is snoring
- łik'a
- dog
- łuq'a
- salmon
- ełneq'
- floor
- k'usht'a nuqelnek'
- s/he did not tell (a story)
- k'eyich'a
- bull moose
- k'dnelq'ich'
- it is squeaking
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48. k vs. k'
- kisht'a
- more, again
- ghesik
- I am numb
- k'usht'a ezghesik'
- I'm not numb
- yitułkeł
- s/he'll take it
- dnilk'eł
- it rips, tears
- chik'ish
- hat
- nkish
- rose hip
- k'iłkedi
- steel trap
- k'usht'a ełkik'
- it doesn’t rain
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49. q vs. q'
- qinazdli
- wild rice, Kamchatka lily
- q'in
- roe, fish eggs
- quzu
- s/he went upward
- q'uch'a
- enough, that's all
- delggiq
- it (bear) is roaring
- k'denghiłghiq'
- s/he snored
- qes
- cold, cough
- q'es
- cloud
- q'uł
- whetstone
- tughequł
- s/he is carrying it (water in container)
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50. Final velars: nV+k,
k', q, q'
- nuqelnek
- s/he tells, narrates
- shnik'
- my nostril
- biniq'
- his back
- binik
- steambath switch
- naneq
- stone lamp
- k'dnalneq'
- s/he choked on it
- k'usht'a qezelnek'
- I don't remember
- chigheshtnaq
- I was sick
- hgheshnak
- I talked
- k'usht'a ezteshnak'
- I'm not moving, leaving
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51. mixed velars: gg,
g, q, k, q', k'
- ggek
- hard wood
- ggukdel
- sandhill crane
- biniq'ak'
- his anger, temper
- bekaq'a
- his ribs
- k'enqena, k'enq'ena
- dentalia shells
- nqeqa
- it (area) is shaking, tremoring
- chiqinik
- thanks, thank you
- yehqagh
- to there, that far
- dukaq'
- door
- nudnełk'ugh
- I warmed it up (liquid)
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52. more mixed velars
- qałnigi
- stone
- hq'aghdeq
- in between
- gu q'u
- right here
- gu k'u
- here too
- quggił
- snare
- ggih
- worm, insect
- k'ggukena
- blubber
- ts'igek'a
- blueberries
- k'usht'a eztelgguk'
- I'm not running
- dnaghelggugh
- s/he's spoiled
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53. CCC (consonant
- nk'ggi
- porcupine (Seldovia term)
- ch'k'tntułghiq'
- s/he’ll snore
- nqdeq'en
- it is burning
- binhzel'a
- his pulmonary artery
- ch'hghinak
- we talked
- duhqdeldih, duhhdeldih
- they are learning
- ch'k'ghilu, t'ch'k'ghilu
- we had snares set
- k'ehtnun
- you pl. are drinking
- denłkegh
- they are big
- niłnustkez
- it is tied together
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54. CC vs. Ce
(cluster vs. Ce)
- dghiłnez
- it is long, s/he is tall
- deghiłnez
- it was long, tall
- tinldush
- you go out
- tinel'ets
- s/he went out
- elden
- I know it
- lden
- s/he knows it
- gheshtnu
- I am working
- ghgheshtnu, ghegheshtnu
- I worked
- tagheshtneq
- I am tired
- taghgheshtneq
- I was tired
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