Front and back velar sounds
- Front velars: g, k, k',
x, ŷ
- Back velars: gg, q, q',
h, gh
Click on the
to hear the audio recording of a word.
33. g
- gega
- berry
- gundi
- this person
- gini
- this thing
- nunigi
- fog
- ezga
- it’s dangerous
- lega
- tree squirrel
- eshtgech'
- I'm ticklish
- el'egen
- shaman, medicine man
- shagela
- trout
- dugul
- axe
(play all
34. gg
- ggagga
- brown bear
- ggugguyni
- raven
- ggis
- wild celery
- gganałggi
- mussels
- ghenalggen
- it is dry
- chaggesh
- fire tongs
- itgguy
- it turned white
- k'gget'
- joint
- shggeja
- my scar
- gganilchit
- you (sg.) stand up!
- gganelchit
- you (pl.) stand up!
(play all
35. g vs. gg
- talgguk
- s/he ran
- nik'dulguk
- it is embedded, stuck in
- dasgedi
- smoke
- ges diggedi
- small snowshoe drill
- aliggi
- plate, dish
- hagi
- grass basket
- dghiłggech'
- it is short
- gech'
- mittens, gloves
- lagu
- let it be
- k'gguts'a
- fish scales
(play all
36. gh
- ghelja
- moon
- ghin
- that one
- ighaz
- s/he got itchy, horny
- yeh t'ugh
- ceiling
- nu'iłghatl'
- it is dark
- k'eghech
- boat ribs
- yaghidghach
- s/he bit it
- tubugh
- beach
- niłghu
- level, even
- miłni yagh'a
- water container
(play all
37. h
- hagi
- basket
- heł
- club
- hun
- mold
- tayeh
- under water
- ts'ah
- sinew thread, thread
- ch'enlahi
- the hand game
- deshnih
- I say
- sht'uh
- my place
- hzila
- heat, moss fire, warm ground
- danhtun
- you pl. moved it (stick)
(play all
38. x
- ts'ix
- mosquito
- sax
- wart
- bejex
- caribou
- ux
- poor thing, pity
- ełchix
- I make it; I smell it
- k'ezhax
- wood shavings
- qatsitsexen
- dreamer
- juxna
- Finlanders
- k'duk'ich'exa
- diaphragm, partition in lungs
- nch'ixa
- your hair
(play all
39. h vs. x
- ux
- poor thing
- uh
- fern root
- chix
- ochre paint
- chih
- s/he cries
- sah
- s/he stands
- sax
- wart
- nu'ihjeh
- you pl. are running
- bejex
- caribou
- beł qelzhixi
- wood polishing stone
- shhi, shehi
- gaff hook
(play all
40. ŷ
- suŷ
- sand
- qaniłch'eŷ
- it's windy
- k'usht'a yeshaŷ
- s/he isn’t carving it
- nuzdeljuŷ
- I am clumsy
- tiqinestseŷ
- I broke trail
- k'usht'a hnutnełyaŷ
- s/he is not growing it
- k'itseŷi
- fire poker
- k'iljaŷ
- it (moon) is shining
- natsinestseŷ
- I dreamed not of you
- chik'a zuŷa
- wood ashes
(play all
41. gh vs. ŷ
- luts'egh
- ring, finger ring
- k'usht'a yests'eŷ
- I'm not pinching him
- qadich'eŷ
- it's windy
- dghich'agh
- s/he had his mouth open
- miłni yagh'a
- water container
- k'usht'a nuk'tnelyaŷ
- it is not growing
- nuzdeljuŷ
- I am clumsy
- tubugh
- beach
- k'usht'a ilzhaŷ
- it is not carved
- k'usht'a eztizhagh
- you are not spitting
(play all
42. k
- kił
- young man, boy
- kazhna
- lynx
- shkut'
- my stomach
- tukash
- melted snow water
- sukdu
- old story, legend
- nkets'
- your thumb
- tik'teh
- into the woods
- tughaznik
- s/he arrived by vehicle
- ki
- more
- q'angheltak
- I carried him around
(play all
43. k'
- k'eh
- porcupine quill
- k'den'a
- baby seal
- k'ezek'
- birch sap
- k'ech'
- dirt, filth
- chik'ish
- hat
- niłk'uch'
- variously, in different ways
- ch'k'tulqat
- we will eat
- k'eshtuk'
- I am sliding
- k'usht'a tesnak'
- s/he is not moving camp
- k'usht'a qit'a qidinil
- s/he did not know about that
- k'usht'a h'ilnigh
- s/he was not afraid
(play all
44. q
- qil
- bad
- qanchi
- porcupine
- chaqilin
- fermented fish
- duyeq
- chief
- uqan
- its lodge, beaver's lodge
- tl'iniqin
- needle
- ntaldaq
- s/he is sleeping
- yeqech'
- thus, in this way
- niłqunda
- tomorrow
- nqeba
- rabbit
(play all
45. q'
- q'ua
- goodbye
- q'in
- roe, fish eggs
- shq'uła
- marmot
- bejiyiq'
- his hearing
- Naq'eltani
- God
- tl'uduq'
- elevated bank
- tuq'ets'
- spring water
- k'q'uya
- red salmon
- tl'aq'iq'
- all night
- q'antutbash
- s/he will swim around
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