
Click on the musical note symbol symbol to hear the audio recording of a word.

63. stress patterns: V(owels) elevated pitch on stem or on full prefix vowel

  • yetúłtał play symbol - s/he’ll bring him
  • yítúłtał play symbol - s/he’ll find him
  • chích'úl'ul play symbol - we played
  • chích'úl'úl ni play symbol - let’s play
  • ezhí play symbol - it's cold
  • ízhi play symbol - name
  • gheshchégh play symbol - I cried
  • ghíchegh play symbol - s/he cried
  • bénqel'á play symbol - his stuff, belongings
  • nábenqel'á play symbol - our stuff

(play all play symbol; stop stop)

64. CghV vs. CV, with stress

  • teshnásh play symbol - I move
  • tgheshnáł play symbol - I will move
  • telggúsh play symbol - s/he starts to run
  • tghelggésh play symbol - I will run
  • tghítetl' play symbol - you will kick it rep.
  • ítíghíteł play symbol - you will kick it once
  • dghełdés play symbol - it is heavy
  • deghełdés play symbol - it was heavy
  • tghełchíł play symbol - I will make it
  • dígheshchin play symbol - I was hungry

(play all play symbol; stop stop)


Portraits Feodosia Sacaloff, James Kari and Peter Kalifornsky at 1974 Kenai Peninsula History conference.
Portraits Feodisia Sacaloff, Bertha Monfor, and Eva Lorenzo at Bertha's home ca. 1972.