Kenai Dena'ina Keywords
Audio recordings to accompany Dena'ina Kenai Key
Words (2023) by Fedosia Sacaloff, Bertha Monfor, Peter
Kalifornsky, recorded (in 1974) and edited by James Kari (PDF). Audio editing and website by
Cam Webb.
- The labial sounds: b, w,
m, w
- The dental sounds: d, n,
dn, tn, t, t'
- The lateral sounds: dl,
tl, tl', l, ł
- The alveolar sounds: dz,
ts, ts', s, z
- The palatal sounds: j,
ch, ch', sh, zh, y
- The glottal stop sounds: ',
- The front and back velar sounds:
(front) g, k, k', x, ŷ;
(back)gg, q, q', h, gh
- Comparisons, mixed velars and consonant
- Vowels: i, a,
u, e
- Vowel comparisons
- Stress
English to Dena'ina